Book Description
Who Made God and Other Tricky Questions - A Theology for Children with Help for Mum and Dad
Passing on the Christian faith to children is often conceived as a matter of telling them Bible stories. Of course, children need to know these stories, but they also need to see the “big picture” in Scripture. Who Made God? is a “big picture” book. In twelve chapters it explores the major themes of Christian theology from the Incarnation (What is God like?) to Eschatology (What happens at the End?).
The theology here is contained in conversations that four children, together with the boy from next door, have with their parents and grandfather. This book can be given to children who are just learning to read for themselves, or it can be read to them by parents and care-givers.
The material for children appears in large type. Interspersed with the children’s text are boxes containing comments to help parents. These provide background information and Bible references, together with further explanation of the theological ideas being presented. At the end of each chapter there is a puzzle activity to reinforce what has been learned. Also included are suggestions for family discussion.
About the Author
Brian K Smith was born in Dunedin, New Zealand. After completing a degree in electrical engineering, he trained for the Christian ministry, and in 1959 went to India as a missionary. In the north-eastern state of Tripura be became principal of a Bible school. Later, he was one of a team translating the New Testament into Kok Borok, the main tribal language of the area. Returning to New Zealand in 1976, Brian was appointed lecturer at Baptist Theological College. In 1984 he became principal of that institution, a position be held until retirement.
Who made God? was written at the end of a long career in teaching theology. Whether preaching to illiterate villagers or lecturing university students, Brian always has been concerned for the clear and effective communication of the great Christian truths. To this end he has developed a wide range of diagrams and stories. Some of these appear in this book.
Alongside a teaching career, Brian has the experience of bringing up his own family in the faith. He and his wife Shirley have three children. Keeping up with their questions, he says has been very good for his theology.
Product Details
Author: Brian K. SmithLanguage: English
Length: 154 pages
Format: PDF or Physical Book
ISBN: 978-0-473-57518-2
Sample Text - Who Made God and other tricky questions
Chapter 1 - What is God like?
This is a book about God.
"A book about God!" said Scrubby. "How can you have a book about God?"
Scrubby's real name was Christopher. As a small boy he loved making roads in the dirt, so that when Mum called him for dinner she would often exclaim, "I don't know how you get yourself so grubby!" One day, when he was about two, Christopher came in from playing outside. He was covered in dirt from head to toe. Before Mum could say anything he announced with a beaming smile, "I'se grubby!" From that time on, the family called him 'I'se grubby', which very soon became Scrubby for short.
"Of course you can," said big sister Mandy, who was eight. "You can have a book about anything. Why not God?"
"'Cos he's too high up," said Dot, one of the twins.
"'Way, 'way up," added Tot, her other half. "Past all the blue. You need a rocket ship."
Dorothy and Thomas, always known as Dot and Tot, were the youngest of the family. They were five and had only just started school.
"Nah!" said Scrubby. "People've been up there. Asternauts 'n things. And they haven't seen God. Like I said," he went on, "you can't have a book about God. Nobody's seen him."
"So nobody knows what he's like," said Tot.
"Right," said Scrubby. "Nobody knows. Only God knows."
Scrubby was very pleased with this last remark. It sounded important. So he said it again. "Yep, only God knows what God's like."