Andrew Gamman and Caroline Bindon

Husband and wife team Andrew Gamman and Caroline Bindon are founders of Kereru Publishing. They among the Kereru on the Whangaparaoa Peninsula just to the north of Auckland city in New Zealand. In 2001 they began the Avenues Church community and their Christian contacts run across denominational barriers.
Andrew is an Accredited minister of the Baptist Churches of New Zealand and in Full Connexion with the Methodist Church of New Zealand Te Haahi Weteriana O Aotearoa. His ministry background is in church planting, pastoral leadership and theological education and he is presently employed part-time as a Methodist minister planting two new churches and works the rest of the week for Kereru Publishing writing the lectionary resource, Taking Flight. He was previously author of the Methodist weekly lectionary resource “10 Minutes on a Tuesday” which was produced by until the end of 2014.His strong desire to see worship that engages people in the present day has seen him develop forms of creative worship. Andrew is a noted public speaker at services, seminars and workshops to groups across the denominational spectrum. His colourful and varied ministry has included such diverse activities as being an on-air radio host, visiting field projects in Outer Mongolia with World Vision International, staying in a Hutterite Community and touring European Reformation sites with a group of Schwenckfelders.
Caroline had her first children’s picture book published while she was in her teens, followed quickly by six other children’s books in the international educational market. Her published works since then have also included creative resource materials through Kereru Publishing, Tranzsend (New Zealand Baptist mission), New Zealand Boys’ Brigade as well as local organisations, commercial enterprises, newspapers and magazines. She has also worked as a primary school teacher, a Baptist minister and currently works in the construction industry as well as working for Kereru Publishing. Caroline’s creative emphasis in her church ministry, and her desire to engage with those who are on a Christian faith journey but not used to traditional models of church led to the opportunity for her to start the Avenues Church in 2001. She now co-pastors Avenues Church with her husband, Andrew Gamman. She is passionate about experiential based worship and multi-sensory prayer and writes a weekly resource called 5 Senses to Prayer through Kereru Publishing. Writing has been an integral part of her life since she was very young and together with Andrew has founded Kereru Publishing with the intention to creatively resource Christians and Christian leaders to explore their Christian faith journey in the twenty first century.
The Kereru Story

The never-ending spiral interconnects the future of the Kereru and the forest together. Kereru are seed dispersers. They spread the seeds of native forest plants and are the only New Zealand bird large enough to eat the big fruit of the largest native trees. Without the Kereru, the lush green forest that still covers a quarter of New Zealand is also threatened and the loss of their native forest habitat means the loss of Kereru. Intentional action is needed to save the Kereru and the native forest.
The story of the Kereru is a metaphor for the church in New Zealand and in the western world. The old models of church in its many and varied forms are struggling to engage ordinary people in their Christian faith journey and the church in all its forms is a threatened species. The habitat of our society is a rapidly changing place.
Intentional action is needed to rejuvenate and reinvigorate and engage with the people in our world so that Christian meaning and purpose is accessible, relevant and central to daily living. Kereru Publishing is an endeavour to provide primarily electronic resources for people to grow strong and robust in their life and their faith, whether corporately in churches, family, community or school groups, or individually.
Our dream is to provide resources to engage, encourage and inspire a generation of seed dispersers for the Christian faith and to equip groups of Christian’s together to be church in this changing world. After years of including creative ideas in our own churches and circles, with these changing times, we can now make available resources written and published in New Zealand for people all over the world to enjoy at minimal cost. We hope you enjoy browsing our catalogue of ebooks.
29 The Circle
Auckland 0930
New Zealand
+64 21 226 8209