Book Description
Refreshment at the Station Book One - Stations for Lent and Easter
These creative resources will engage your congregation through the most important season of the church year. There are descriptions of dozens of stations, covering Shrove Tuesday through to Easter Sunday, along with tips on how they can best be used. They are clearly described, simple to set up and have been used in a variety of worship settings with churches of different styles, sizes and age-groups. Instead of the worship through this church season being focused, as it is all too often, on the particular theological stance or biases of the preacher, the participation at the stations draws each worshipper to the person of Christ and brings the focus on to their own experience of the Easter story.
About the Authors
Husband and wife team Andrew and Caroline have years of ministry experience in creating worship experiences that are creative, interactive and thought provoking. Using stations is a regular part of the worship experiences they create and forms an integral part of the Avenues Church which they co-pastor. The concept of giving participants the opportunity to interact with the Christian story through stations, has provided many richly rewarding faith experiences. With an emphasis at Avenues of being a church for all ages and stages, they have helped adults, teenagers and children alike, particpate in station worship and each develop in their own individual faith journeys.
Product Details
Authors: Andrew Gamman and Caroline Bindon
Language: English
Formats: pdf/ePub/Mobi(Kindle)
Word Count: 19,628
ISBN 978-0-473-27683-6 (PDF)
ISBN 978-0-473-27861-2 (EPUB)
Sample Text - Stations for Lent and Easter
1. Shove Tuesday
It’s true. There is a special day to eat pancakes. Pancake Day should be a day of fun that can include all age groups in the church family. Start the day with a pancake breakfast… or finish with a pancake supper. This station introduces the serious edge to the day and is a great lead in to the whole of the season of Lent.
At each station you will need:
• Pencils
• Small blank cards
• A table with a small cross standing on it.
• The following instructions printed out in large type
Shrove Tuesday is the last day before Lent. The word “Shrove” comes from the medieval word “shriven” which means forgiven. It is a day to confess to God the things that may have displeased him in the past year. People used to avoid eating meat and dairy products during Lent, so on Shrove Tuesday they would eat up all the food that wouldn’t last until Easter. In some countries they call it Fat Tuesday (in French Mardi Gras) or farewell flesh (in Italian Carnival). In Britain people got into the habit of using up cooking fat, eggs and milk by making pancakes, and it became known as Pancake Day.
Read from the Bible
If we say that we have not sinned, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth isn’t in our hearts. But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.
1 John 1 .8-9 CEV
Write or draw on the cards things that are important in your life.
Sort them into priority order.
Ask yourself: Do I love God? How important is God to me really? Is developing a relationship with him a priority in my life? Am I fulfilling the purpose of my creation?
Lord God,
we come as your children to examine who we are,
to see our faults and ask for your forgiveness.
We seek reconciliation with you
and the others with whom we share our journey.
Now look through your priority cards. Pray one or two sentences about each asking God to be involved with these priorities.
Place the cards one by one at the foot of the cross.