

Regular price $24.00


Global Rambles with Kereru Publishing & Prayer Bench


Our 2025 Rambles will be held on 10 May 2025. Once again we're hosting one Rambles crossing both hemispheres. While it is autumn in the south, its spring in the north and we’ll be rambling together exploring the unique aspects of these two distinct hemispheres. Connect with like-minded individuals worldwide, forging new friendships, and sharing thoughts and photosinspired by the unique spirituality of New Zealand and Canadian landscapes.

Join Caroline and Janice as they walk the streets, beaches, woods, and bush and collect their favourite signs & sightings in their seasons of change. Look in on the wisdom this season lends them in their journey of faith.

Use their ideas as a starting point for your own meanderings. Take a camera, a sketchbook,a journal or a basket for gathering as you ramble around your place.

Enjoy slowing. Ramble with pleasure and gather your own collection of seasonal impressions, images and sensations to guide you on your path.

You’ll receive a series of beautiful curated digital scrapbook pages to inspire your ramble and set you off on your own discoveries.

Mark your calendars for 10 May 2025 to Ramble with Janice Maclean and Caroline Bindon. Stay tuned for more details coming your way!

Individual Ramble registrations are $24 (NZD)

Group Rambles are exclusively available through Kereru Publishing.

Gather together a group of three or more like minded friends or family and sign up for a group subscription. Each person in the group receives the same content as an individual subscription. After purchasing a group package, appoint a group co-ordinator. The group co-ordinator will be responsible for the sign up process for all group members and co-ordinating any shared group experiences as you Ramble together. Suggestions on how to enjoy and participate in Rambles in group setting will also be provided to group co-ordinators. 

Group Ramble registrations are $60 (NZD) Group size is for 3 to 20 individuals. Add additional group members for $3 (NZD) each.

Register your group for Rambles here. Instructions will be provided on how to add group members.

A combination group package for both Stroll and Rambles is also available 

Stroll and Ramble package for group registrations are $100 (NZD) Group size is for 3 to 20 individuals. Add additional group members for $5 (NZD) each.

Read more about Stroll.

Register your group for both Stroll and Rambles here. Instructions will be provided on how to add group members.