Book Description
Honest to Goodness
Joy Cowley reflects on the meaning of the words in the 2010 translation of the Sacred Texts of the Mass. Taking the reader through a journey, providing insight and meaning, the book is a delight for those who are both familiar and unfamiliar with the Catholic faith and the Mass.
About the Author
Joy Cowley is a well known and awarded New Zealand author. Best known for her children's books, she has also written many spiritual reflection books and is a spiritual director. Her style is earthy, genuine and resonates and comes alongside the experiences of the reader.
Joy gave me a copy of these reflections on the Mass a few months ago, they are wonderful. Her deep insights and reflective wanderings through the Mass gave me many new images which helped me to pray and to come to a greater appreciation of the Mass. They are truly helpful and will assist many to "pray the Mass" and draw closer to God. - Cardinal John Dew, Wellington, NZ.
Product detail
Author: Joy CowleyLanguage: English
Formats: ePub3 Fixed layout
ISBN: 978-0-9922627-1 (ePub3)
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Pleroma Press