Canvas of the Soul
We carry the wisdom of a mystic within us. Whenever we ground ourselves in a place and open our hearts to wonder, we step into this mystic wisdom. Whether it’s through experiencing reverence for life, feeling anger for justice, or being called to deeper love, courage, or gratitude, we are embodying the wisdom of a mystic.
In this retreat, we draw on the profound insights of Emily Carr, a West Coast Canadian artist and author, exploring her deep connection to the landscape and the powerful sense of place she found in nature.
Janice MacLean from Prayer Bench, and writer of this retreat says,
"I first encountered Emily Carr as a young theological student. Now, more than 40 years later, I reflect on the echoes of the ancient wisdom I felt within my soul when gazing at her canvases and reading her journals. This retreat invites you to discover how a spirit of place can expand our awareness and deepen our connection to the web of life, inspiring us to generate goodness and nurture hope in a world that is deeply loved."
In times of anxiety and loss, it is often the artists, poets, and mystics who help us live in the land—not just live on it—with imagination, memory, and truth.
Choose Your Retreat: Personal? or Group?
This flexible Retreat Guide provides everything you need to plan a personal sunset-to-sunset or day-long retreat. You can also choose to spread the retreat over several days.
The Personal Retreat is intended for use within your household. Price: $22 (NZD)
Alternatively, this guide can be used to lead a small group retreat, either in person or via Zoom.
A Group leader is also welcome to print and distribute copies of the retreat guide or download and email it to friends or members of a faith community. Each participant can engage in the retreat individually, and you may choose to gather as a group for conversation or worship at a later time. (The purchaser of the license may print or email as many copies of the guide as needed, but recipients are expected not share additional copies.) Group Price: $44 (NZD)
What you receive:
A downloadable Retreat Guide that you can print with ideas for planning your retreat. The Guide offers suggestions for preparing your retreat space, opening prayers, a reflection on the theme, ideas for creative responses and spiritual practices, closing prayers, and a list of additional resources for further exploration.
Janice MacLean is host of The Prayer Bench. Friends of Kereru will be familiar with her offering of the spring resource, ‘Stroll for Your Soul’ and 'Autumn Rambles' co-written with Caroline Bindon. Janice loves the wisdom of the ancient way and the spirituality of the present moment and her writing encourages exploring spirituality fresh and original ways.
Author: Janice Maclean
Language: English
Format: pdf