The traditional period of Christmas is known as the twelve days of Christmas. This begins on 25th December, Christmas Day, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus and ends on 5th January, the day before Epiphany. The celebration of Epiphany marks the revealing of Christ to the world.
This resource was written in 2021 with the uncertain times of Covid and the awareness that worship may need to be home based through the Christmas period. However, there's plenty in there that will continue to be useful for planning personal or gathered worship in future years.
Our Twelve Days of Christmas includes the following:
- A worship outline and printable resources to hold an 'at home' worship experience on Christmas Day. If getting out to church or gathering with friends and family on Christmas Day isn't possible this year then this resource will help you mark Christmas Day in an experiential and meaningful way.
- A playlist of songs available to listen to or sing along with on Spotify and YouTube Music. Short written reflections are included, one for each of the 12 days between Christmas Day and Epiphany. These are each based on a song from the playlist.
- A few fun and festive ideas to mark Epiphany and hold your own feast and worship celebration in your own home.
Personal/Family $20 (NZD)
Church or group $50 (NZD) Limit to 50 copies to be distributed by purchaser. If you are planning on distributing to more than 50 people please buy more than one subscription or contact us for a quote.