Advent and Christmas

Advent Come to the Quiet

Candlelight Come to the Quiet in Worship Spaces and in Personal Spaces

We've held Candlelight Silent events for over 12 years in various Churches and worshipping communities. In the hustle and bustle of the season, to take some time out and sit and reflect is both refreshing and peaceful. We've opened our Church buildings to the public and advertised our 'Come to the Quiet' event. Over a period of a few hours, from the time of darkness, people are welcome to come and sit and reflect for as long or as short a time as they would like.

Download the print ready instructions for both Come to the Quiet events.

Christmas Eve All Age, All Stage Worship

Christmas is a wonderful time for telling and retelling the story of Jesus. There are so many clues in the Christmas story to guide us as to understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus. It's also a time when the wonder and delight of children remind us anew of the light that shines from Jesus, son of God, Light of the World. This outline for a Christmas Eve worship event picks up this theme of light. It's informal and non-traditional and takes about an hour. It's written scripted so that it could be picked up and run completely by those not used to leading. It could even be led by children or teens. The outline is based on the Joy Cowley title, "Kiwi Christmas". (Available from Kereru Publishing.) Often in the Southern Hemisphere, we adapt resources from the north, where particularly at Christmas, references to snow and cold don't resonate with our summer days. For that reason, this is a real down-under outline with light and sunshine and summery references. However, no matter what your setting, feel free to adapt and change this to suit your own people and your own time and place. There's no reason why it couldn't be adapted to reflect a colder climate! If you'd like to use this with family and friends, rather than in a church setting, then adapt it for use in your home. Young, old, with friends, with family, with church with community... whoever and wherever you are... the theme of Light of the World is for all!

Make your own 25 Stockings to Christmas

Our 25 Stockings to Christmas book includes written instructions for making the 25 Stockings, but for a visual step by step guide download our pdf versions of the instructions with additional photos. The Gingerbread No-Sew uses scraps of ribbon and odd buttons to create a candy and gingerbread look that delights anyone with a sweet tooth! Use a hot glue gun or craft glue. This design can be made by children with a little adult supervision. The Classic Red and White uses a simple stitch for hand sewing and could be a project for all ages to work on together. These designs are just ideas to get you started creating.

Classic Red & White Instructions


Gingerbread Instructions


Christmas Nativity Play

This Christmas – An Impromptu Nativity Play

This is a simple nativity play re-enacting the story of the birth of Jesus Christ.

We've used this play and variations of it, in settings such as community carols, children's groups as well as in church worship services from formal to informal. By involving the crowd in participation, there is a sense of ownership and belonging in being able to take part in the story. Those who take on some of the roles are often moved by the simplicity of the telling of the story and the opportunity to experience being part of the re-enactment.

It's great for using in groups of mixed ages and stages, with a mixed prior knowledge of the Christmas story. We've often used this play if we're not sure of numbers turning out to an event, or if we're likely to have more visitors than regulars, and therefore need something that makes everyone feel welcome and involved.

A little preparation is required to gather a few props to enhance the play-acting. It's also great to have a spontaneous facilitator who is used to working a crowd and can add some humour, but also keep the story profoundly simple. You'll also need a couple of helpers to get the actors ready, ensuring that the play moves along at a good pace.