Book Description
Boy Zone 1 - Motivational talks for boys
From hamburgers to chocolate, sports to computers, these punchy, relevant, motivational and inspirational talks are full of appeal for all ages and genders but are targetted particularly for boys. Each of the thirty short talks begins with a visual aid followed by an illustration and application and a bible passage. The themes and topics of the talks are contemporary in our world today while being based on bible passages from Daniel, Psalms, Mark and Galatians. Further information and other creative ideas are also provided. There is minimal preparation required to prepare the talks. While written specifically for larger group settings, these motivational talks could also be used in family devotions or by individuals.
About the Author
Caroline Bindon has a passion for all-age worship. She leads the Avenues Church with her husband Andrew. Her enthusiasm for communicating about the Christian faith to all-ages is carried through into her ministry and her devotional writing. While these three books were commissioned to be used with boys in New Zealand, Caroline herself sees them as resources for people of all ages, gender and nationalities to enjoy. She has a love of metaphor and an ability to take ordinary things as a starting point to spiritual learnings and enjoys the opportunities to share with and learn from others on the Christian journey.
Tim Pratt, (Past Chief Executive of Global Fellowship of Christian Youth and Past Director of The Boys Brigade and Iconz in New Zealand) has this to say about these books, “With Caroline's experience as a teacher, published children's author and pastor, commissioning her to write a contemporary series of devotions for boys was an easy choice. Our objective was that the devotions would bring spiritual issues to life in the context of the world that is unique to Kiwi boys. The result was a format that was easy for our leaders to prepare and present from. More than that it succeeded in engaging the minds and hearts of boys with the positive life principles contained in Scripture.”
Product details
Author: Caroline BindonLanguage: English
Formats: pdf/ePub
Word count: 19,355
ISBN 978-0-473-28494-7 (pdf)
ISBN 978-0-473-28492-3 (ePub)
Sample Text - Boy Zone 1
1. God is like… a fast food hamburger restaurant. (Psalm 18: 1 – 2)
Visual Aid
Take a burger purchased from one of the hamburger chain restaurants familiar to the boys.
What do you think of when I say the word, ‘Hamburger’? (Hold out your burger) Who can tell me what this burger will taste like? How do you know so much about this particular burger? How often do you eat at a place like Wendy’s, Burger King or McDonald’s? Illustration McDonald’s began in Chicago USA in 1955. The largest quick service restaurant empire in the world was started by Ray Kroc, a 52 year old milkshake machine salesman who wanted to give his customers a 100% pure beef burger, an extra thick milkshake and french fries. All delivered with the motto QSC&V. Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value. When we go to burger restaurants like McDonald’s, we see old people, young children, teenagers, families, people by themselves, sports teams, birthday parties… a real mixture of people. Those fast food hamburger chains keep people going back! We can’t eat enough of their burgers! Even when we say we won’t… we keep going back! Why do people like eating at places like McDonald’s? Why do people keep going back? Why do you go there? You might visit a different town or city, or even one day travel across the other side of the world to places like Beijing. If you eat when you travel you know that your McDonald’s hamburger will still taste the same. That makes you feel comfortable and safe. When everything else is strange, McDonald’s is there! McDonald’s likes to sponsor community projects like sports teams, road safety and health programs. McDonald’s is powerful!
Our favorite hamburger place will not be around forever. It doesn’t give people all the things they need to live. What things do we need that places like McDonald’s can’t provide? McDonald’s is just a place that serves food. If we stopped buying and eating their burgers they’d have to close. That doesn’t seem as if it will happen in a hurry. But, one day, all the burger eating people of the world might decide that we are really sick of burgers and want something different to eat. The power of places like McDonald’s will disappear.
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